I know that a lot of Blood Bowl coaches don't like cloaks and ridiculous helmets, but I think it makes the team look heroic and gives them a unified look.
So here's my newest Blood Bowl team, Valkyria Vinland:
The Blitzers are the only ones with cloaks, and it helps them really stand out.
Blood Bowl is actually a pretty progressive sport; female players earn the same as male players at the same position.
That said, Amazon linewomen tend to be a pretty good deal at tournaments, so I need a lot. With Armor 7 on every player, a deep bench is always a good idea!
Ball Handlers:
The Throwers and Catchers, on the other hand, are less of a bargain.
Dodge isn't as helpful on a thrower as it is for other positions, and compared to other throwers, Amazons Quarterbacks don't have Sure Hands, a critical skill. Dodge is great on catchers, but these girls are the slowest catchers in the game.
Throwers and Catchers can be developed and become worthwhile in a league, but are left off of many tournament rosters.
Amazons are AG3, have cheap rerolls, and often get to the point where they have nothing better to spend their money on. I painted up five.
Then rounded off with a coach, and Manbuns the Cheer-bro (and part-time Bloodweiser Bloke)
Oh, and the ball is magnetic: