Saturday, September 10, 2016

And the Amazons!

I really like the Black Scorpion Amazon team.  There are a lot of third party Amazons teams on the market, and while there are some very high quality options out there (Such as this team from Willy Miniatures), quite a few of them are obviously sculpted more for a bikini-and-heels look than actual Blood Bowl figures.  Like that same team from Willy.  But Blood Bowl is a violent, rough game, which calls for realistic equipment. Like, ah, for example, cloaks and winged helmets.

I know that a lot of Blood Bowl coaches don't like cloaks and ridiculous helmets, but I think it makes the team look heroic and gives them a unified look.

So here's my newest Blood Bowl team, Valkyria Vinland:


The Blitzers are the only ones with cloaks, and it helps them really stand out.

Blitzers are pretty important players on an Amazon team, since they start with Block/Dodge and are the only ones who can take Strength skills, so they tend to get critical stuff like Guard, Mighty Blow, and Stand Firm.  So it's good that they have pretty distinctive models.


Blood Bowl is actually a pretty progressive sport; female players earn the same as male players at the same position.  
That said, Amazon linewomen tend to be a pretty good deal at tournaments, so I need a lot.  With Armor 7 on every player, a deep bench is always a good idea!

Ball Handlers:

The Throwers and Catchers, on the other hand, are less of a bargain.
Dodge isn't as helpful on a thrower as it is for other positions, and compared to other throwers, Amazons Quarterbacks don't have Sure Hands, a critical skill.  Dodge is great on catchers, but these girls are the slowest catchers in the game.
Throwers and Catchers can be developed and become worthwhile in a league, but are left off of many tournament rosters.


Amazons are AG3, have cheap rerolls, and often get to the point where they have nothing better to spend their money on.  I painted up five.
Then rounded off with a coach, and Manbuns the Cheer-bro (and part-time Bloodweiser Bloke)

Oh, and the ball is magnetic:

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Black Scorpion High Elves

I've always liked the look of the Black Scorpion "Humans" - the iconic helmets and the Hoplite look.  But the team is clearly High Elves:

There are some drawbacks - the teams are made in resin, which I'd never worked with before.  And the catchers look so much like the linemen that opponents could have trouble recognizing them - a big no-no when fielding third party teams.
So I bought some Elf Catchers from the same manufacturer.  Positions should be clear now.  Here's a closeup of the Throwers and Catchers:

And the heart and sol of the team, Linemen and Blitzers.  (Blitzers are the ones in the cloaks):

So how did it turn out?  Less trouble than I thought.  Resin cuts quite easily so it's easy to clean up.  Some of the joints were a little bit iffy - bubbles where a boot connected to a base slot, and so on.  But nothing I couldn't deal with.

Next up, the Black Scorpion Amazons.  I'll probably do them in August.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Finally finished the Necros from the World Cup!

At the 2015 Blood Bowl World Cup in Lucca, Italy, every coach was given a brand-new Necromantic team by Greebo:

Now, almost half a year later, I've finally finished painting them!  Just a major case of procrastination.

The underrated backbone (ha-ha!) of every Necromantic team are the zombies:
Cheap and slow, but also expendable and tough, they're great at taking a punch and stomping an opponent in the face.  High-flying ball handling plays, on the other hand ... not so much.

Flesh Golems and Wights are even tougher than Zombies, the Wights are also faster and more skilled, but also much more expensive.

Werewolves and Ghouls are the fastest, most agile players on the team.  The Werewolves especially also pack a pretty hard punch!

And of course, where would the team be without a talented coaching staff (and all sorts of rerolls and tokens and markers!)