Sunday, May 19, 2013


I'm painting up some Dreadball figures for a friend.  Dreadball teams are smaller (the one I have here has 10 players).  The figures are decently detailed (other than the blockers missing their right arms!) and I'm looking forward to seeing how they turn out.

The Norse are almost done, I'm working on the last four players, then one last Werewolf, then the Yeti.  I'll probably finish the Norse (or at least, everything but the Yeti) this week, leaving me 3 weeks (and a holiday / possible 4 day weekend) to do the Dreadball humans.  Should be fine.

... although the figures are tiny!  Here's a striker, getting totally dominated by two elves (not always the largest of players):
He looks a little smaller than he actually is, because of the base sizes, but still. 

Here's a more even matchup:
Wow, it looks like he could almost take on that Goblin!  Well, except apparently Strikers aren't allowed to hit anyone.  But still!  Goblin!

I'm still trying to figure out what color scheme to go with.  At first I was looking forward to using some green for a change (I don't often use green in Blood Bowl figures, because coupled with the base and the field, it's just too much green.  That's why the Goblins play on sand (see above).  I was thinking green pads on white, which would be an elegant, classy look ...
... until I remembered, that would make them look like the Jets.  For those of you not familiar with the NFL, the Jets are the exact opposite of a classy organization.  The players are thugs and whiners, the coaching staff divides their time between boasting about how great they are, and losing games.  They hired a popular, straighlace, high-class player last season,  then refused to let him play, to the point where they hired extra players at his position to make sure he never had a chance.  I can't stand the Jets and will not let any team I paint be associated with them.
So maybe blue and white, like the Elves above?  Maybe Orange and Red, with stylized flames?  Heck, I have a tube of pink paint which I have yet to even use ... ... :-D

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