Saturday, March 16, 2013

So, my models arrived yesterday while I was at work, I picked them up from the post office this morning.  First impression is, they seem high quality.  I'll need to clean them up a little before I even start painting, but the team looks good:
The Elf team, straight out of the box.

Some of the models have some flash on them from the mold, but the seam lines aren't very pronounced, and I can cut the excess off pretty easily:
Little blobs of pewter like this one are typical on metal models.  Pewter is soft and cuts pretty easily, so the biggest worry is not damaging the model.

My biggest complaint is the logo on the stand bar.  You can see that it's actually too big to fit into the slot on the base, it has to be filed down.  The base should be snug enough that the figure stands up on its own, but not so wide that you have to risk breaking the plastic.
Filing down those tabs was the most time-consuming part of this prep step.
See?  That's what it's supposed to look like.

The Thrower came in two pieces, which could be kind of fun.  I tried several poses, "winding back" looked kind of neat, and it's possible to put that arm in at an odd angle to make it look like he's scratching his back with the ball. 
In the end, I went with a sort of "tuck" position.  It's the most natural position for the arm piece and is clearly the way it's intended, although it was still slightly loose and needed some glue to fill a gap.  A grip like that makes him look like a running quarterback, who takes short, accurate passes when there's someone open and holds on to the ball when there isn't.  That also matches the play style I think I'm going to use with this team.

Here they all are!
Still not ready for spray paint though.  I'm going to glue the models to the bases, and add some sand. Stay tuned!

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