Saturday, March 23, 2013

Team's ready!

There are still a few details left to finish (I need to seal the paint job with a matt spray, print out my roster, and so on) but for all practical purposes I am ready to go!  Not bad considering the team only arrived a little over a week ago.  I was worried that my painting skills had deteriorated, but I pretty much just stepped in and picked up where I'd left off.  It did help that these are high-quality models, it really does make a difference.  I'd recommend Neomics to anybody and intend to buy their Skaven (*ahem* I mean their "generic fantasy football rat people who infringe on nobody's IP) sooner or later.  I can't say I recommend their online store though, it's still not working and nobody has gotten back to me about my message from weeks ago asking what the hell was going on.  I bought these from Tabletop Onlineshop for less than they're listed on the Neomics website.

ANYWAY, here's the team!

QB (Thrower)

My thrower is #12 in honor of the greatest Quarterback in the history of football


Pro Elf blitzers are fast, mobile, great at what they do (getting to where someone needs to be hit, hitting things).  Might have to fix the B on the left guy's base though.  (I usually don't mark positions like that, but these are non-standard models so this makes it easier for everyone).


Pro Elf catchers are arguably the best in the game and well worth their 100k gold price.  I'm looking at three of them on the roster I'm working with, but I bought four in case I ever play this team in a league or something.  Who knows?  The extra figures I got were essentially free, since they put me over the threshold for free shipping.


Sometimes known as linemen by human supremacists who don't think that Elves are capable of packing a punch, line-elves are still excellent finesse players and as capable of throwing a block as anyone else.  They can skill up and be impressively effective in a league, although the way the tournament rules work, these guys won't.  Still, they are quite agile and mobile and capable of making a difference in games.

The Team!

I still don't have a name for these guys.  If I don't think of anything better by April, I am going with the Eärendil Mariners (after a character from the Tolkien Mythos called Eärendil the Mariner).  But there's still time, and now that they're painted I don't really have much else to do ... :-D
Here's the team!  Wish us luck at the tournament!

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